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There are definitely people making money with Ameriplan and it can be very profitable. But like every company it has it’s cons and complaints. So you’re right to do your due diligence. Unfortunately that may very difficult because so many of the reviews out there are clearly biased. But I think being here and reading this review and the comments we have listed will give you a truer picture. That all said, I don’t think it’s a bad company.
It’s worth it even if you signed up/enrolled and did nothing with it except use the perks. I just had to say that I too have two small children (a 7 week old newborn and a 21 month old!). Deciding that the noise in the background is not a good environment to work in is an excuse for some to not get on the phone. I am not saying it is for you, but I will say if you truly want to be successful, you find the time, period. One more thing, and this may cause grief not only for me but for others as well. If you are being told to post in job offered ads on any advertising sites such as Craigslist, you are being told to break rules.
Sales Leadership
Like Eddy, I too recommend that you read this entire blog … many, many questions have been answered above. One thing I’d like to post here for everyone is the fact that we did start a new promotion today! I am very excited about this promotion because in all the years I’ve been with Ameriplan they have never had such an AWESOME sale! All of our health plans (this applies for new IBO’s starting, too!), payments are half-price for the first 3 months with NO registration fees. The very safest position is to be paying AmeriPlan $150 per month and taking zero residual income. Of course, that’s probably not the reason you’re in the business, but it’s the safest path to take if you don’t want to get terminated like the rest of us.

You indicate you are looking for a “work at home opportunity” which could mean either a ‘work at home job’ OR a ‘home based business’ – there IS a difference. You should NOT pay for a ‘work at home job’ – if you are required to do so, then yes, I agree this is a scam. As for jeopardizing your license – this will not happen. Chamber of Commerce, of which both organizations hold companies to the highest and strictest standards of operation.
Reviews by Job Title
All we can do is educate people and let them make the proper decisions for themselves. It’s not considered insurance and shouldn’t be promoted as such. However it may not stop some/ reps from misleading people. It sounds like a real good deal as a client, but as an IBO … NO GO !!! They will tell you one thing to get up to sign up, then the office says different. I was just SCREWED out of $40 because the Lady who convinced me to sign up LIED !!!

I’m at your site because of a phone call that I received earlier today from a really nice lady who is with Ameriplan. She called me because she received some information from somewhere that I was interested in working from home. We talked for probably 20 to 30 minutes; actually she did most of the talking based on a couple of questions that I asked her. She was very thorough and knowledgeable about Ameriplan.
Ameriplan - Find Remote Work From Home or Flexible Jobs
But that’s up to the individual to decide. Calling people names and disrespecting people like Bobbi that is trying to provide balanced information definitely takes away from your point of view. I will also say that I will flag ads I see doing it and report them. You shoule NOT have to resort to 10 free e-mail accounts because you keep getting blocked. There are LOADS of places to post your ads, just dont do it in “job offered”. This crappy recruiting practice IS what makes us all look bad and IS a major reason why people are so skeptical.
I learned of this way before I joined Ameriplan, and I also steered clear of it. Until I came to Eddy’s site, and read his honest opinion of it. Then I did more research…..any company that has been around for 20 years and has an A rating with the BBB without being a member of it….just saying.
Compensation Plan for BC’s
Some people have suggested that Ameriplan is actually a scam (just google “Ameriplan scam” for plenty of examples) but we would not go that far. We believe it is simply a weak business with the problems typical of multi-level marketing and, in any case, a bad consumer choice. Our members don’t sign any contracts and can cancel at any time so guess what happens if we don’t advise them correctly? And guess what happens when they cancel? Therefore, it is in OUR best interest to advise them correctly.

It’s just a matter of picking what’s best for you. That’s why when folks tell me they want to become an affiliate marketer like me because they need money relatively quickly, I dissuade them from pursuing it. In my experience if you’re under financial distress, it’s really hard for you to do the things that it takes to make a business succeed. You’re under too much pressure and may rush things or do them incorrectly because you’re dying to get a pay check quickly.
I personally know several terminated IBOs who HAD put business on the books. One was about a week prior to being terminated, a couple others the previous month or two. I believe that Ameriplan’s discount plans are still good and beneficial to those who need them. The way they treat their IBO’s, however, is shameful. It wasn’t just the fact that they terminated so many people – whether it be 100 or 1000, it was the WAY they did it that was despicable.

It’s definitely a business not a job and as such it does require some decent amount of time and effort to make this flourish whether it’s Ameriplan or any business. So although technically it is sales, how it’s conducted and it’s perception varies depending on the individual. If you want to get technical about it, sales is also a form of customer service. A customer has a need or problem and you serve them a solution. Some folks don’t like the word sales not realizing we all sell every day.
The thought of talking on the phone to ANYONE causes me so much anxiety nothing would be worth it….Thank goodness for complete online businesses. As for our market being saturated, wow, Bobbi and Laura you guys did an awesome job explaining all of that! One thing you have to take into account though, ladies, is the states where Ameriplan ® HEALTH is not available. You’d need to find out how many people within those states are without health/dental coverage and subtract them from the overall population of that we have not yet touched. And thank you, hope you’re having a great day as well.

It’s not the company, your sponsor, the products or services – it’s YOU!!! For instance, there are leaders in Ameriplan who didn’t find success until they came back a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time. Before they just weren’t at a point in their life where they said enough was enough and ready to do something about it — to do what it takes to never be in that position ever again. When you convince your husband to go and see that God awful chick flick you have sold him that taking you would benefit him because it makes you happy.
So is AmeriPlan really a Scam?
I know who you are talking about, but don’t know him personally and don’t know what his “goals” are, but PLEASE be advised that you CAN sell the product if you prefer doing this. You can do one, the other, or both – it’s up to YOU – it is YOUR business and YOU make the final decisions. And THIS is why I tell everyone to be SURE to research your enroller – interview them, ask them questions on HOW they work … can you sell product or is it just recruiting? Etc etc etc I can provide a whole list of questions, but I don’t want to repeat what I’ve already posted above – lol! And even with selling a product, if it’s a product and not a service, do you have to keep an inventory?